Transparent heels, lots of leather, ridiculously shaped jeans and upside-down bags, -
could this collection of the famous designer be any more perfect?
Well, I don't think so. It's just down my alley!
Unfortunately, I worked 14 days straight without any break, so the trip to the store, an hour and half each way, would not be possible. Could you imagine my frustration when I found out I would not be able to see it with my own eyes! And I knew it would be sold out in no time... And it sure did. Now, you can imagine my delight when I saw the clutch down below available as a reward on! I just had to wait 34 hours till it could be redeemed. "Don't forget, don't forget" I kept telling myself, trying to memorize the hour I would be able to finally apply my points, and get this beauty in the most popular fall color of 2012! Seriously, I could not sleep! I just kept thinking about dozens of other people wanting to snatch it! So when the day arrived and I almost gave up on it - (free stuff doesn't come easy you know!), I went on the page, and oh, mother, there it was ready to redeem! I almost lost my ability to type, and just entered all the necessary information on automatic pilot, I guess, now wondering if it even was correct, goodness gracious, and 14900 points later (it retailed for $149.00), the glove clutch rightfully became mine. MINE!!!! I should never have thought I would be able to own anything from the designer, especially considering the prices (3-digit numbers for the most pieces only in their collection with HM). And I own one of them! I still have the biggest grin on my face every time I think about it! Maison Martin Margiela with HM in my maison (I thought I'd go for a little pun, maison means "house" in french just in case you did not know)!

Can't wait to have it in my arms!!!
Did you get anything from the collection?